Category: General

5 Introduction Ideas for English Composition PSLE

In English composition writing – an engaging introduction is the secret sauce that flavours your entire piece. While the phrase “Once upon a time” might be the go-to, it’s like opting for plain vanilla in an ice cream shop full of delightful choices.

For the PSLE exam, one of the basics is to start a PSLE composition with a creative beginning. The purpose is to begin the story on the right foot by engaging the reader.

Today, we will explore the five types of engaging beginnings to start a PSLE composition:

1. Begin With a Place

Picture the aroma of cotton candy and the buzz of excitement at a carnival entrance. You invite readers into a vibrant scene by employing “Show, don’t tell” techniques. They engage their senses and turn your narrative into a cinematic experience. Practice this art by focusing on 2-3 senses. Avoid overwhelming your sentences with unnecessary details.

2. Begin With a Sound

Transport your readers into the heart of action with impactful sounds, whether the crack of a bat in a stadium or the sizzle of a frying pan. Strategically chosen sounds bring your scenes to life. Use them carefully. Focus on the loudest or most crucial sound to maintain the flow of your writing.

Be cautious in selecting sounds for your introduction. The key is highlighting the LOUDEST or MOST SIGNIFICANT sound in the scene. An overabundance of sounds can disrupt the flow of your composition writing. It will result in an unpleasant reading experience for your audience.

3. Begin With a Character Introduction

Introduce your readers to characters in an intriguing manner. Offer glimpses of their essence. Create interest by highlighting one or two defining traits through their actions.

For instance, describe a character weaving through a crowded hallway with prefects in pursuit instead of simply entering a classroom.

Before crafting the line of dialogue – the student should inquire about one of the following:

  • How is the character connected to this story?
  • What is the character thinking?
  • What is the character feeling?
  • What does the character desire upon witnessing this?

4. Begin With a Line of Dialogue

An arresting dialogue is a simple yet effective way to kickstart your introduction. Craft dialogues by considering where your character is; describe what they are doing/thinking/feeling. What they want, and what’s hindering them. Keep dialogues concise to one to two lines to maintain a smooth flow.

5. Begin With Picture Description

Consider starting your narrative by describing the included image. Carefully examine the details of the picture. Pay attention to colours, shapes, and any significant features. Use the picture’s visual elements to establish your story’s initial setting.

Final Notes

Equipped with these five approaches, it’s time to infuse captivating and creative elements into your English PSLE composition writing! It would help if you uncovered the delight in writing, breathing life into your narrative. By employing these five introductions, aim to craft an enticing beginning.

Happy Writing! 

5 Creative Writing Myths for English PSLE Busted

The Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) journey is a significant milestone for students and parents. It encompasses various subjects, each with its unique challenges. In particular, creative writing for English composition often becomes shrouded in myths and misconceptions. It creates an air of mystery around this component of the exam.

This comprehensive exploration looks into five common PSLE English composition creative writing myths. Let us unfold the truths that will empower students with a clearer understanding.

Myth 1: Longer Essays Guarantee Higher Scores

One pervasive myth lingers is the belief that longer essays translate to better scores. Contrary to this notion, PSLE examiners prioritize quality over quantity. The focus should be crafting a well-structured narrative that addresses the given topic. Students should aim for clarity, creativity, and relevance. They should focus on telling their story rather than meeting a specific word count. The ability to convey a compelling story concisely is highly valued.

Myth 2: Complex Vocabulary Always Impresses Examiners

Another prevalent misconception is the use of complex vocabulary. Many students think that it is a surefire way to impress examiners. A rich and varied vocabulary is an asset. But the key lies in using language appropriately and effectively. The myth that examiners favour an excessive display of complex words is debunked. It’s essential to strike a balance between linguistic diversity and clarity. It is not a good idea to overload a composition with difficult words. It may lead to confusion rather than admiration.

Myth 3: Memorizing Model Essays Ensures Success

The notion that success in creative writing for English composition hinges on memorizing model essays is a common misconception. PSLE examiners actively seek originality and creativity in student compositions. Relying on memorized content inhibits a student’s ability. They cannot adapt to different prompts and showcase their unique voice. The emphasis should be on developing individual perspectives. They should express personal creativity and foster a genuine connection between the writer and the narrative.

Myth 4: Grammar Mistakes Result in Automatic Failure

The myth that a single grammatical error leads to automatic failure is far from the truth. Examiners consider the overall effectiveness of the composition. They recognize that minor grammatical errors do not overshadow a well-crafted piece. While students should strive for grammatical accuracy – the primary focus should be on effective storytelling and expression. A compelling narrative can outweigh minor imperfections in language.

Myth 5: Only ‘Perfect’ Stories Receive High Scores

The myth that only flawless stories achieve high scores puts unnecessary pressure on students. Perfection is subjective, and examiners understand that students have diverse abilities and experiences. Students should concentrate on creating well-structured, engaging narratives that reflect thoughtful expression. A composition with minor imperfections can still earn a commendable score.

As the PSLE journey unfolds, dispelling these common creative writing myths is crucial. Parents and students must understand the proper expectations of PSLE. The focus should shift towards nurturing individual voices, fostering creativity and constructing narratives that resonate with authenticity. This way, the students can approach the examination with confidence.

How Parents Can Help Students Prepare for the English PSLE

Although students are the ones who sit for PSLE, sometimes it feels like parents and teachers are also being evaluated. They play a critical role in raising and educating the children, and sometimes a child’s performance is a direct reflection of the mentors.

Parents can take several steps to ensure their children are ready for PSLE English and other papers long before the exams arrive.

Enrol Children for Tuition Early

Although the cost of tuition can be prohibitive, sometimes a little sacrifice goes a long way, especially if the child needs extra support to excel. Early intervention is critical because the child gets sufficient time to polish his communication, vocabulary, punctuation, and grammar skills. 

English PSLE tests the child’s knowledge of the English language. Unfortunately, it takes time for the child to master the language and understand the tricks used in exams to confirm their knowledge.

Enrolling the child in English tuition in Singapore early gives the child sufficient time to read and understand what is expected in the English PSLE papers.

Cultivate a Reading Culture

Children develop a reading culture from a young age, and parents can steer them in this direction by investing in books. Initially, parents may need to set up time away from electronics so children can focus on reading.

The books may need to be what the children enjoy reading. For example, if a child enjoys reading adventure books, parents can go with them to the store so that they can choose the books they want.

To minimise costs, parents can encourage children to borrow books from the library or form book clubs where they exchange books with other children.

A child who reads has a better vocabulary and is likely to ace all PSLE English papers. The child also develops other skills, such as critical thinking, which are crucial when handling multiple-choice questions with very similar answers, yet one is the most correct.

Choose a Good English Tuition Centre

Singapore has hundreds of English tuition centres, but they all use different teaching strategies. Some have lessons that are similar to those of regular classes, so students do not have personalised learning. This may not be very helpful to a child who needs one-on-one attention.

Parents should consider their child’s needs when choosing an English tuition center. Whenever possible, get a designated tutor who will be responsible for the student. This way, parents get regular updates on the child’s performance, including challenges and how to address them.

Having an English tutor will also give the student the confidence to seek clarification without worrying about holding other students back.

Monitor School Performance

One of your parental responsibilities is to know how your child is performing in school. This is especially important for parents who aren’t sure if their child needs English tuition or not. Meet the teachers and find out what they think of the child’s performance in class. Does the child need extra classes and an English tutor?

If you’re paying for tuition, find out if your child is showing signs of improvement. If not, find out from the child if they are happy with the English tuition centre or if you should look for alternatives.

Ideally, English tuition should have a positive impact on the child’s performance. That is the whole point of it. If it doesn’t, then either the child is not taking the extra classes seriously or the tutor is not doing a good job. Identifying any shortfalls early will help parents find a solution long before PSLE.

Factors To Consider When Choosing An English Tuition Centre

The path to academic success depends on several factors: the student, the parents, the school, and in Singapore, the tuition center. English tuition centres receive thousands of students annually because English PSLE results have an impact on the course the child will undertake in secondary school.

Although the English tuition centres have the same goal of improving a child’s academic performance, the results vary from one centre to the next. Some centres are more popular and tend to charge a higher fee, but some may not be the right fit for your child.

Here is what to consider when choosing an English tuition centre in Singapore.

Academic Qualifications of The Tutors

Unlike schools, tuition centres do not have to meet set standards when it comes to the qualifications of the tutors. Often, parents have to trust that English tutors have the right credentials to educate their children.

Unfortunately, tuition is big business in Singapore, and some people are in it for the money. Your child will most likely pass English PSLE if they are in the hands of a tutor with passion and knowledge for the language.

You can tell you are dealing with professionals when you interact with the tutors. You can also check online to see what other parents have to say about the tuition centre and the impact it has had on student performance.

Class Sizes

Unfortunately, you can’t always get an English tutor per child unless you request private classes. Most tuition centres have a school set up with a tutor per class. When enrolling your child, find out about the class sizes.

A small class per tutor is more suitable because your child is likely to get personalised attention.

Customised Learning

Tuitions would not be very popular in Singapore if they mimicked the school setup fully. English tuition centres preparing for the English PSLE tend to customise learning based on student needs. The tutors often use different teaching styles to attract student attention and make learning easier.

Find out how the centre structures learning and if the approach they use will work with your child.

Teaching Resources

As students prepare for the English PSLE, they need exposure to papers and questions they are likely to encounter when they enter the exam room. Find out what resources the tutors use to teach the students. Do they use past examination papers? Do they have sample essays and other relevant reading materials? Do they use recordings to test listening comprehension?

These materials are critical because they expose students to PSLE English and the question structures they are likely to encounter. Reinforcing these concepts will help students have a better understanding of what is expected of them when they enter the exam room. 

Parent-Teacher Updates

Once a child is enrolled in an English tuition center, parents should get regular updates from the teachers. Find out how the centre handles these communications. Do parents get a monthly update? Can parents go in at any time to address any concerns?

Tuition is a partnership between parents, tutors, and students, and everyone should be involved every step of the way. The child should see this as a supportive learning environment where they can count on the teachers and parents as they figure out their educational journey.

Whenever possible, parents should involve their children in the tuition centre selection process. Sometimes a child may prefer one centre over another because that is where friends go. However, the child should also be aware of the parent’s priorities and why they would prefer a specific English tuition centre over another.

How to Pass PSLE English

Exam season, especially the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE), usually overwhelms parents, students, and teachers. Students and parents are particularly keen on PSLE English performance because it will determine the subjects the student will undertake in secondary school.

The key to passing PSE exams is preparation. Here are some tips on how to prepare for English PSLE.

English Tuition

Singapore’s tuition culture is known worldwide. Some people even go as far as to attribute this to the high education standard. It is, therefore, not surprising that most parents opt to pay extra for tuition lessons, especially when preparing for PSLE.

Unfortunately, of the four subjects tested (English, Mother Tongue, Science, and Maths), emphasis is put on Science and Mathematics. Many parents and students overlook the importance of English tuition in Singapore.

However, PSLE English is important because a poor result will affect the child’s overall score. Additionally, English performance influences the course the child will take in secondary school.

One way to help a child get the best result possible is to enrol them in an English tuition centre. Here, they will get targeted training for PSLE English. The child will also get the necessary skills on how to analyse the questions and answer them correctly.

The tutors also understand some of the tricks used in the question guidelines. They will help students use critical thinking skills to rationalise and understand some of the trick questions.

Focus on Exams Skills

One of the mistakes students make when preparing for PSLE is that they focus more on the language instead of acquiring exam skills. Unfortunately, the closer the exams are, the more unlikely it is that the student will improve spoken or written English or even acquire new skills.

The best approach is to have targeted practice, something that English tutors will focus on when preparing students for English PSLE. When a child goes to an English tuition centre, the tutors will analyse their strengths and weaknesses.

They will decide how best to strengthen the weaknesses and, at the same time, determine the best use of the time they have available before the exams.

Revise Old Exam Papers

One way to see how psle English exams are set is to go through past exam papers. The student may come across similar questions that have been asked over the years. There is a probability that the same or similar questions may be asked in the upcoming PSLE English paper. 

Doing this with an English tutor has an added benefit because the tutor has probably done exam revisions so many times that they now know what candidates should expect. The tutors can help your child discuss and analyse past exam papers. They can also look at the student’s compositions and see ways to make them better to improve the child’s performance.

Have A Target

Having a target, whether it is the average score or the English score, is critical because the student has something to work towards. Some parents fear pushing students towards a specific goal because they fear disappointment and the effect on the child.

However, when a student sets an attainable goal, they can work towards it. What students shouldn’t do is set a goal that is obviously beyond their reach. For example, parents and teachers can look at the child’s previous performance and together set a score a little higher than their past score.

With a goal in mind, students have something to work towards. They will study and focus on the right areas, with one goal in mind. Passing English PSLE.

How To Choose the Best English Enrichment Centre For Your Child

Once you’ve decided to send your child for English enrichment classes, you will still need to make other decisions. Should you opt for one-on-one sessions, group classes, or a tuition centre? Several factors will influence your decision.


Your Child’s Needs

All children have unique ways in which they learn. Some grasp information that the teacher teaches in class, while others will need to go back and read again to understand. Some struggle with group settings but thrive on one-on-one interactions.

The choice you make over where to send your child should be the setup that is likely to be most beneficial to your child. Discuss the options with him and find out what they’ll like.

You can monitor your child’s progress and make changes whenever necessary.

Your Budget

Another important consideration when looking for English tuition in Singapore is your budget. English enrichment classes are charged differently depending on the location, lesson duration, tutor qualifications, and the centre’s popularity. 

Some centres, especially those that handle groups of students, charge less than what one-on-one English tutors do. However, it would help if you also considered the benefits of group sessions against one-on-one sessions. 

You don’t want to pay less for a group session only to realize too late that your child would have responded better if they had his session with the English tutor. It is a delicate balance between what you can afford and what works best for your child. 

Since the aim is to help your child succeed in English and gain some skills, you should decide if you can sacrifice to pay a little more for maximum benefits. 

Class Environment

Your child will be spending hours in the English enrichment centre, so you ought to check it out first to ensure they will be comfortable and happy there. Look at the facilities and the extra services offered. 

For example, if your child goes for enrichment classes over the weekend or spends several hours there, does the centre offer food or a rest area for younger children?

Even if the focus is on your child getting English tuition in Singapore, you should ensure that the environment is suitable for learning. When your child is comfortable, they are more likely to perform well in English enrichment classes. 


The location of the English enrichment centre is also important. If your child spends an hour going to the English enrichment centre and an hour back home, they will likely get bored quickly because of fatigue. 

Look out for good English enrichment centres close to your home, so your child doesn’t feel like losing too much time in the enrichment class, especially if they have to attend some sessions over the weekend. 

Choosing an English enrichment centre is similar to searching for the ideal school for your child. You need to be as cautious of the environment and the service quality.

You may be forced to make sacrifices if you get a centre that meets most of your needs but has some shortcomings. For example, the perfect enrichment centre may have everything you need but cost more than you had expected. In this case, you need to see if you can sacrifice to pay more or keep searching for an equally good centre that fits your budget.

How English Enrichment Classes Boost Performance

When it comes to tuition, many parents focus on sciences and neglect subjects like English which is often considered easy. However, some students struggle with English and need English enrichment classes to help them excel.

English enrichment classes boost performance by training students on how to ace exams. It also instils the culture of reading and writing. Students also learn examination techniques that they can use to excel in other papers. English tutors also expose students to exam formats.

English is a standalone subject, and the primary mode of communication teachers use to teach other subjects. Having a strong command of English, therefore, enhances a student’s performance in other subjects indirectly.

It Helps Students to Practice Reading and Writi

Reading is one of the greatest cultures parents can instil in a child. Unfortunately, there is so much that parents can do, especially in dual-income homes where parents work long hours and have limited guide their children to develop a reading culture.

When students spend a few hours a week on English tuition in Singapore, tutors will guide them in developing an interest in reading and writing.

Students Develop Critical Thinking Skills

English enrichment classes help students to read and understand long texts, internalize the important aspects, and make decisions. This training will help students break down and understand information, including scenarios presented in other subjects, including science subjects.

English tutors tend to present students with complex situations that the students have to internalize and interpret the information. These skills are handy, not just in class but out of class as well.

Practice Using Examination Papers.

Many students are not usually exposed to the questions teachers ask in exam papers. English enrichment class teachers have access to exam papers; some have even participated in the exam-setting process.

They know what teachers test and how they expect the students to respond to the questions. They guide students on how to approach the question and structure their answers.

English tuition gives students a head start and an added advantage over children who do not attend English enrichment classes.

Improves Concentration Skills

Many English tutors use storytelling to entertain and get the attention of students. Young children have a short attention span, but when they are engaged in the stories, they spend a long time listening. Over time, their concentration skills improve, and this soon becomes a habit. Students will use these skills in their other classes.

Boosts A Student’s Self Esteem

Some students do not engage in school activities because they need to be more confident speakers and worry that they cannot articulate their points well. English enrichment classes help students appreciate their flaws and work on improving their speech and pronunciation.

Over time, students improve their English and gain confidence when communicating with other students and teachers.

Self-esteem remains a necessary trait, not just in children but in adults as well. Children learn to be go-getters early and use these skills to improve their class and examination performance.

English enrichment classes are critical in boosting class performance in many ways. As students sharpen their communication, reading, and writing skills, their performance in other subjects naturally improves.

6 Ways to Improve Concentration in Children

At some point, we all experience moments when we struggle to concentrate on what we are doing. The difference is adults can intentionally decide to concentrate on a task, while children may not be able to do it, especially if there are distractions. Children, on the other hand, do not find it as easy to concentrate. They are easily distracted, and this affects learning. Attention training for kids will improve concentration. 

Buy detailed colouring books.

Colouring is not just a way to keep children busy and test their creativity. It is also a way to improve concentration in kids. Have you noticed how focused children are when they are colouring?

When you get detailed colouring books which will force the child to use multiple colours. The child will need to work for longer. After some time, the child will be able to concentrate on tasks that take a longer time to complete. 

Set a longer time for more enjoyable tasks

One of the recommended responses to how to improve concentration in kids is to give them enjoyable tasks. Children easily lose interest in activities they find boring. It isn’t easy to improve concentration in kids by introducing tasks they don’t enjoy. 

As children grow older, they will have the mental capacity to appreciate that sometimes they will have to complete tasks that they don’t enjoy. However, younger children don’t have the mental capacity to understand that task completion is not always based on how much they like the project. 

Since your target is improved focus and concentration, you should ensure you choose age-appropriate fun activities. 

Introduce one task at a time

Multi-tasking may be necessary for adults, but it is not how to improve children’s concentration. When you ask a child to perform several tasks simultaneously, he is likely to become confused and frustrated. 

In the end, no task will be completed, and he would have lost interest in all the activities. Instead, introduce one activity at a time. For example, when teaching the alphabet, focus on this until the child understands before moving on to another lesson. 

Play games that require critical thinking skills

Children are naturally curious. Critical thinking is a skill that children develop as they grow older. If you seek attention training for kids, you can introduce games that require the child to focus and concentrate. For example, jigsaw puzzles and card games are great for testing a child’s concentration and encourage the development of critical thinking skills. 

Choose a distraction-free environment.


Children often lose concentration if there is a source of distraction. One of the lessons on how to improve concentration in kids is to limit distractions as much as possible. If the outdoors serve as a distraction, you can choose the indoors for lessons that require maximum concentration. 

Introduce breaks between tasks

Children can only concentrate for a limited period. Children can’t focus on a task or activity for long periods. Childhood development experts who handle attention training in children put an upper limit of five minutes multiplied by the child’s age. This means a two-year-old can concentrate for up to 10 minutes, while a five-year-old has a maximum attention span of 25 minutes. 

Other experts recommend an average of 2-3 minutes per the child’s age. This means 4-6 minutes for a two-year-old and 12-18 minutes for a 6-year-old. Older children, like sixteen-year-olds, can concentrate for an average of 48 minutes. 

Knowing how to improve children’s concentration and focus will help you determine how best to introduce breaks between tasks. 

These tips will help to improve your child’s concentration irrespective of the environment. 

Phases of Cognitive Development in Children

“He could perform better if he concentrated and stopped being playful.” How often has your child’s teacher told you this? Do you sometimes wonder about your child’s cognitive potential? Every parent wants their child to be a success, both academically and socially. 

This is why many have turned to the cognitive development learning centre to help their children achieve their intellectual potential. 

Cognitive training exercises are carried out on children aged two years and above. When verifying a child’s intellectual power, the trainers test the child’s IQ before comparing it to their cognitive development stage. 

Unfortunately, much emphasis is placed on a child’s physical milestones as they grow. However, a child’s cognitive development stages are equally important. 

Sensorimotor stage 

Children under the age of two are in the sensorimotor stage of cognitive development. During this stage, infants use sensory stimuli and object manipulation to discover this new world. Newborns usually respond reflexively to stimulation. 

For example, when you put your finger in a newborn’s palm, he will reflexively grasp it. Smiling and sucking are also reflexive actions. 

Between the first and fourth months, babies are more intentional with their actions. At this stage, babies coo, laugh and kick to show joy or pleasure. By the time they turn one, babies can plan and coordinate their actions and responses. For example, a child can crawl to pick up a toy or turn when he recognizes a word or sounds. 

Preoperational stage

Children aged two to seven years are in the preoperational cognitive development stage. Many children who undergo cognitive training fall under this cognitive stage of development. During this stage, children begin developing memory and imagination. 

Unfortunately, children in the preoperational stage are considered illogical because they respond to questions intuitively, without using logic. However, this stage is critical because children are developing an interest in language to communicate. 

It is at this stage that children start preschool. At this point, a child’s knowledge structure is expanded. Their beliefs are challenged, expanded, and rearranged. This is when a child starts seeing the world through a different lens. 

Trainers at the cognitive development learning centre use scientifically researched programs to set the right intellectual foundation for children in the preoperational cognitive development stage. 

Concrete operational stage

Children aged 7-12 years start being aware that there is more to the world than they know. For example, at this age, children are more aware of other people and their feelings. They are more sensitive to the beliefs, thoughts, and feelings of others. Children in this cognitive stage are more willing to share their possessions and time. 

In this stage, cognitive training for children tests short and long-term memory, auditory processing, reading skills, visual processing, attention, and information processing speed. 

Formal operational stage

Children 11 years and above are in the formal stage. The formal operational stage goes all the way into adulthood. Children in this stage solve problems using logic, are more aware of their surroundings, and appreciate planning for the future. 

Cognitive training programs for children in this stage include creative thinking, abstract reasoning, mathematical calculations, and the use of hypothetical questions seeking particular actions and outcomes. 

For example, at the cognitive development learning centre, children may be asked, “if Joe is taller than Mary, and Mary is taller than Jeff, who is the tallest?”. The child has no idea who these are, he has never met them, but he is expected to imagine them and come up with a correct answer.  

Age-appropriate questions are critical during cognitive training at the different cognitive stages. Asking hypothetical questions to a child in the preoperational stage, for example, may give a false outcome since he lacks the cognitive capacity to reason or even respond to such questions. 

Some children tend to have an advanced brain development for their biological age or expected cognitive development stage. Such children are said to have a higher IQ and need cognitive training to help them reach their potential. 

Brain Boosting Activities to Improve Your Child’s Productivity

The human brain is not static. Interestingly, you have the power to determine your brain’s functions. Many people assume we are stuck with the brain we were born with. This is why some people assume some children and adults are naturally gifted to perform well in whatever they do. However, with the effective brain booster, anyone with low productivity can see a change in their performance. 

These activities can help improve your brain’s capacity and intelligence. 


A few minutes of meditation daily will help clear your mind and leave you prepared for any mental activity. If your days are hectic and you barely have time to sit back and relax, early morning meditation will help you cope. 

Breathing exercises is one of the activities you will discover when you enrol in online brain training. This is an important activity for children and adults because it helps to improve blood circulation to the brain. 

Regular physical exercise

When you exercise, you are not just working your body. Remember, your body cannot function without brain activity. The brain controls virtually everything you do or feel. 

Think about it, has there been a time when you were sick and were able to make sound decisions because your brain remained active? You probably pick even one moment because the brain and body are interconnected. 

When your body is in excellent shape, your brain will function optimally. When you are unwell, your brain is not as alert as it usually is. So, when you exercise, you are working on your brain’s functions as well.  

Physical exercises are a brain booster because they are essential for the development of new brain cells. 

Play board and online games

Online brain training has hundreds of games for adults and children. Games encourage you to use and develop various skills, including critical think and decision making. Some of these games become more complex each time you master a level. 

This pushes your brain to think deeper and look at things from a different perspective. Online games should never be seen as a waste of time. They are brain boosters and a great way to relax when your brain is exhausted after intense activity. 

If you are concerned about the things your child does online, you can introduce him to activities that are helpful to his brain’s development. There games for children of all ages. Besides testing your child’s brain capability, your child’s attention and interest in completing tasks will improve, especially if he finds a game he enjoys. 


Social media, long work hours, and other responsibilities have pushed reading to the back seat for many Singaporean adults. A National Reading Habits Study on adults and children shows that only 25% of adults pick up a book to read, compared to 40% of teenagers. People who once spent their free time reading now spend it on social media. 

Not that there is anything inappropriate with social media. However, reading, whether it is a hardcover book or an e-book, is vital for your brain. 

If you were an avid reader before life happened, can you identify differences in your thinking process and memory? You probably spend more time today trying to recall a word that would have naturally come to you during your reading days. 

Reading is no doubt a brain booster and a necessary activity for people of all ages.

These are some of the brain booster activities you can undertake. There is so much more you can do to ensure optimal brain activity. Some of these activities could easily turn into a hobby. The brain has no limitation. You can be as productive as you wish by preparing your brain adequately. 

Parent Workshops for Children with Special Needs

Singapore is estimated to have 32,000 children with special needs. 80% of these children have mild learning needs, while the remaining 20% live with moderate to severe needs. As a parent with a child with special needs, you know the joys and challenges you face when raising your child.

Child development workshops offer parents tips on how to cope during a hard time. You will also learn how to make life more fulfilling for your child. 

Hear from educators of children with special needs

If your child is yet to go to school for formal education, you may be questioning whether you should enrol him in a special needs school or if he will cope in a regular school. Singapore’s Ministry of Education encourages inclusion in mainstream schools, especial for a child with mild learning needs. 

Although children diagnosed with mild autism, ADHD, and dyslexia will have some difficulties, they can still perform well when they learn with other children. When you attend a parent workshop, you may get insights on how to approach the selection process of a school for your child. You might realize that you are worried about something that is not an issue. 

Discover support structures for your child

Parenting a special needs child is a journey that can be quite lonely. You don’t get to take your child to the park. You may not have the luxury of enrolling your child in daycare for a few hours a day because you are worried your child will not cope in the new environment. Additionally, some facilities don’t have the personnel to give your child the attention he needs. 

Child development workshops will enlighten you on some of the resources available to help children with special needs. Some centres are specially created to care for these children. The teachers and caregivers have the expertise to ensure your child is safe and that he gains the skills he needs to be as independent as possible. 

Learn from other parents

It is not easy to meet parents who share your thoughts and concerns regarding a child with special needs. In 2020, 12.5% of Singapore’s population was made up of children aged 14 years and below. This is about 17,000 children in a population of 5,690,000 people. 

The best place to meet parents with special needs children is at workshops for parents. Sometimes information on how to help your child is not readily available. However, you might meet parents ready to share tips on what works for them. 

For example, if your child is on the autism spectrum, how do you help him with a meltdown? Can you do anything to make learning easier for him? 

Receive emotional support 

You can’t support your child when you are emotionally drained. Caring for a special needs child can take a toll on the family. It can create unnecessary conflict, which, if left unchecked, can result in family breakdown. 

Child development workshops are not just a chance for parents, but other family members as well, to get emotional support and guidance on how to cope with their challenges. Unfortunately, most people tend to be overwhelmed with their emotions that they forget the child with special needs has feelings. 

The family’s strain may negatively affect the child, and he may regress from the progress he has made over the years. Instead of risking this, it is better to get the family the necessary emotional support so that their frustrations do not spill over to the child. 

There is much to be gained from a parent workshop. Parenting is a journey of many successes and failures. These workshops will help you have more things to celebrate because you no longer

need to make mistakes to learn. You can now be better prepared for the journey with the help of experts and other parents. 

How Brain Training Boosts Different Learning Styles

Singapore has approved six curriculums for preschools because it acknowledges that children are different. Some children learn best through play, while others may learn better through interactive activities. Brain training can help identify the curriculum that is likely to be most beneficial to a child.

Brain training activities help to put into perspective a child’s cognitive skills. The activities introduced aims to help parents and teachers find out why some children struggle with learning. Is the problem reading, memory or attention? 

Experts in kids brain training can easily detect weaknesses in a child’s cognitive development. They can then recommend the right mechanisms to help the child improve the brain’s functions and, ultimately, his academic performance. 

Learning styles targeted by brain training

Imagine giving two children the same problem to solve. While both may give the same final result, the process they used to reach the solution may differ. One child may visualize the solution, while another may verbalize the thought process. Can you fault either child for the learning style they choose even though both got the right answer?

Children have different learning styles. Teachers need to identify the style a child prefers so that they can focus on it should the child fail to respond positively to other styles. However, this does not mean that other learning styles should be overlooked. Instead, right brain training Singapore encourages children to adopt the other learning styles as well.

Learning categories 

Learning styles are in four major categories;

  • Visual learning involves the use of images. 
  • Auditory learning through the use of music, rhythm, listening and speaking.
  • Reading and writing
  • Kinesthetic learning style, which focuses on the sense of touch and body movements. Writing and drawing also fall under this style of learning.

When children are exposed to the right brain training Singapore, their memory, logic & reasoning, auditory processing, visual processing, processing speed, and word use are tested. Once the trainer discovers gaps that make learning difficult for the child, he will introduce mental exercises that target the child’s weaknesses.

For example, if the child’s memory makes visual learning difficult, the trainer may introduce card matching games. These games help to boost visual learning, and it tests a child’s visual attention. 

Why do children respond differently to the various learning styles? 

While categorizing learning styles has been hailed for its effectiveness in identifying cognitive strengths and weaknesses, it has received some criticisms. 

Critics have argued that since children are born with a clean slate, they can respond to all learning styles. Instead of blaming cognitive weaknesses, these critics believe that a child’s environment and social interactions influence a child’s preference for one learning style.

Does a child who performs best from visual learning do so because her cognitive strength lies in this learning over auditory learning? Is a child intentionally excelling in kinesthetic learning because it is her preference? 

These are some of the questions that brain training seeks to answer. Children who prefer a specific learning style can easily be trained to perform just as well in other learning styles. However, for children who genuinely struggle with the other learning styles, the trainer will use kids brain training to identify the weakness so that a solution is sought.  

Brain training targets children with learning difficulties. It also helps children adapt to different learning styles. A child who has undergone kids brain training will have an easier time adjusting to the different learning styles, especially as he advances in his education. 

Best Tips to Improve the Active Listening Skills for Children

Active listening skills are essential learning elements of children. The active listening skills influence the students in building up their communication techniques. If you like to improve your child’s active listening skills, first, you need to know the definition of active listening and its benefits for children.

Active listening skills depict a full attention span that a listener needs to give to the speakers for understanding the entire message given to him/her. It includes both verbal and non-verbal (smiling, hand gestures, and body postures) symbols of listening. Like Singapore and other Asian countries, people prefer active listening skills for children for multiple benefits.

  • Active listening skills ensure a positive conversation. Like, it provides high privilege the young learners to give their positive feedback towards the conversation.
  • Active listeners can improve their listening skills, both in the classroom and outside of the classroom. Active listening skills make our children excellent communicators and future leaders.
  • Active listening skills make children confident and self-reliant.

Best 4 tips to improve the active listening skills of children

Now, let’s see the best tips to improve the active listening skills for children. The following guidelines play a significant role in developing active listening skills for children in Singapore as well as overall the world. These are:

Make sure, your eye contact is appropriate

Whenever you teach the children in developing their active listening skills, your eye contact needs to be precise. You need to teach your students to make proper eye contact while hearing from others. If their eye contacts are appropriate during listening, it leads them confident, reliable, and social. 

The perfect eye contacts make the listeners more focused on their communication skills. Also, the active eye contact makes the listeners confident enough to understand what the speaker tries to convey the message to them.

Never interrupt someone during speaking

If you like to improve the active listening skills for children, you need to tend to train them first. You need to suggest to them not to interrupt others when someone is talking. The interruption can lead to a negative impact on productive communication. 

Ask questions for better understanding

It is mandatory to ask questions for the children to know what they have understood overall. After discussion or reading a storybook, you need to ask questions to the children to know what they have comprehended from the text. If you ask questions to them, it can encourage them to be active listeners.

Encourage the listeners to write

If you like to practice active listening skills with the children, you must encourage them to write. After a useful conversation, you suggest them to write the moral of their overall understanding that they have recently heard. It also helps them to practice active listening skills through writing.

Hopefully, you have understood the definition and the importance of active listening skills for children. The above four mentioned tips are essential to maintain for enhancing the active listening skills of the children. Therefore, the educational consultants of Singapore and other countries follow these rules to improve the active listening skills of children.

Best Strategies to Improve Listening Skills for Children

Listening skills or listening comprehension ensures an individual’s capacity to understand the meaning of each word that they hear. At the same time, it helps the children to co-relate between similar and new words.

Therefore, listening skills for children are essential to building up their communication skills at an early age. Not only in Singapore but also all over the world, people employ five methods to enhance the listening skills of children.

Top 5 practices used for developing listening skills for children

Face to face communication

The parents need to prefer face to face communication while they are interacting with others. Try to grab the full attention of the young learners by responsive conversation. If they respond with you, it means they are capable of taking information and ideas from you. 

Read books through interactive activity

If you like to develop your children’s listening skills, the best way is to read books with them in an interactive way. If you read fairytales and storybooks with your kids, it may automatically improve their listening skills. The proper suggestion is for you to ask questions to them while reading books. If they answer your questions, it means they are developing their listening abilities. Please, select engaging and interactive books so that they feel the interest to practice listening efficiency with you.

Encourage the kids to play listening games

We all know, the kids love to learn with fun and games. Thus, the parents can arrange in house listening games to encourage their children to practice listening competitions. For example, you can tell an exciting story to them. Later, you ask them to write or speak about the moral of what they have heard. In this case, you can prefer flash or cue cars to make the listening game more engaging.

Cheer up your kids to learn a new vocabulary

If your child has enough vocabulary for communication, he/she can be a great listener. Thus, you need to arrange some home-based games from which your child can develop his/her vocabulary. To make the vocabulary learning session impressive, you can get help from online resources, games, flashcards, and books. Don’t be hurry. Never try to pick up two new words in a one-day learning session.

You need to be a good listener to develop your child’s listening skills

Always try to give privilege to your child when they talk. Don’t interrupt them when they are talking with you. If they see you listen to them, sincerely, their listening skills may develop instinctively. Also, you need to give positive feedback, a smile, and supportive interaction with them to build up their listening capacity. Don’t forget; the children love to follow their parents.

These enrichment classes can keep your kids busy in creative ways

Enrichment classes have turned to be a craze in Singapore now. Singaporean parents are now getting carried away with the trend and are tempted to add as many activities as possible to their kids’ routine. But these can only yield desired results when these are designed based on the age group in a creative way. This will keep the kids busy with fun learning.

Kids respond best to the stimuli. Keeping them engaged in creative learning provides a great source of fun and entertainment. These classes are divided into four groups: Baby (up to 18 months), Toddler (18 to 36 months), Pre-school (3 to 7 years), and Junior (7 to 12 years). If you are looking for enrichment classes in Singapore, you can find out more here.

The activities help brain development, motor skill development, and cognitive abilities. Swimming and gymnastics are also included. Plenty of sports activities help to develop teamwork and social skills.

The article by Harper’s Bazaar rounds up the top 40 enrichment classes in Singapore that can keep your kids busy during holidays and beyond.

The Top 40 Enrichment Classes Of 2017

BAZAAR Junior rounds up the most popular courses from across the island that will keep your little ones busy during the March holidays and beyond. Little ones respond best to stimulation at this age. So keep them entertained with creative classes that provide a great source of stimuli and fun. Read more here!

There are reasons to get your kids in enrichment classes

Your children need a head-start in life. Studies reveal that early exposure to various learning skills helps the overall growth of the children. The enrichment classes are great for this. They dip into creativity to nurture the hidden skills of the children. This is why over 90% of Singaporean kids have pre-school experiences.

These classes are uniquely designed to improve various life skills. They include age-based learning programs for babies, toddlers, and grown-ups.  It includes swimming, music, art, language, gymnastics, and many more. All these help the children to be active and fit.

The classes are conducted in interactive and engaging ways. So, the kids enjoy the classes and, naturally, the impetus for learning develops. These classes also help the children learn alternative and creative ways and it goes a long way for learning ahead. They can have better exposure to different disciplines and life skills.

This article by Women’s Weekly gives great insights into the top enrichment classes in Singapore.

The Best 20 Enrichment Classes For Singapore Kids In 2018

This March holidays, expand your kids’ repertoires with these enrichment classes for swimming, Maths, art and more. With classes available for infants to primary school children, there’s sure to be something for everyone
Help your children start to recognise shapes through this 45-minute interactive storytelling workshop for babies from 7 to 17 months old. Together with your child, discover the different magnificent shapes created by Fawn and her friendly spider friends.
Read more here!

Know the different types of enrichment classes in Singapore

Maybe your kid is young, but time is precious. So, they must be given all opportunities to expand their knowledge as early as possible. During this time the kids shift between playtimes and class times. Thus, they face the challenge of adapting to the education system and foreign environment. This is why enrichment classes matter and there are over 850 centers for enrichment and tuition in Singapore.

Working in a fun and interactive way, these classes can sow the seeds of knowledge and wisdom into the little darlings that they will remember throughout their lives. There are English learning classes including reading workshops and writing workshops. These classes prepare kids for better reading and creative writing.

The kids also take part in the theater. It helps them to grow self-image and respect for others. Moreover, the cooking classes and cultural programs also help to boost up teamwork and social skills.

This article by Lesa Sims talks about different types of enrichment classes for toddlers in Singapore.

Types Of Enrichment Classes

Your pre-schooler might be young, but his or her time is already precious. At this juncture, your child is gradually trading in his or her play time for classroom lessons, which means that he or she is challenged with adapting to both an education system as well as to new foreign environments. However, enrichment classes for toddlers in Singapore have been proven to impart skills, pearls of wisdom and values that a child retains for the rest of his or her life, so choosing the right classes is of paramount importance.  Read more here!

Here are the best enrichment classes for your budding kids

Every budding kid in Singapore needs a good start to bloom in a highly competitive environment!

Singaporean parents are now crazy about getting their kids enrolled in enrichment classes. It is a great way to support the learning skill of their kids. These classes also help to hone their hidden talents and develop a champion mindset to achieve excellence.

These enrichment classes cover a wide range of subjects. They include programs for learning Mandarin, English, and French. Moreover, these classes also have a holistic program to teach the basic skills for Math, brain development, speech & drama, etiquette, science, art, baking, dance, coding, and sports.

These classes have a nurturing ambiance and always try to teach through interactive activities. Joining these classes the kids also learn socializing with peers of the same age and make new friends. These go a long way to boost up their motivation.

The article by The New Age Parents rounds up some of the best enrichment classesin Singapore.

Best Enrichment Classes 2020

From budding entrepreneurs, future innovators, to charismatic speakers, we round up the best enrichment courses across the island for kids from 6 months old to Primary 6. If you’re looking for a programme that breaks away from usual rote learning, this is the programme for your child. Developed by global early childhood literacy experts, this Reading & Writing programme is designed to not only greatly enhance your child’s ability to read and write, but to also instill a champion mindset for confidence and effective cognitive learning. Read more here!

These enrichment classes benefit your kids academically and emotionally

Every parent wants to give their kid a good start for success in life. This is why the Singaporean parents are sending their kids enrolled in the enrichment classes. It is common to see that the Singaporean kids are attending after-school classes in the kindergarten stage.

Academics are vital for future success. But reading and reading all the time makes the kids unhappy. So you need to provide the kids with some extra-curricular activities so that they can grow as a well-rounded citizen and teamwork.

Getting them enrolled in music lessons, coding workshops, phonic classes, financial & literary workshops, and third language classes can be rewarding. Such classes give the kids a great relief from the monotony of academics all the time and also help to spark their interest. If your kid grows an interest in coding that could be a nice gateway to a lucrative career in software technology.

The article by Joanne Poh tells about five enrichment classesfor extracurricular activities in Singapore.

5 Enrichment Classes That Can Really Pay Off For You and Your Kid

Kids are many things—sometimes cute, sometimes bratty, but always expensive. At least in Singapore, where keeping any human being alive, whether yourself or a little version of yourself, costs a pretty penny, especially when you have to enroll them in enrichment classes. As a parent, you want to do more than keep your kid alive. You want to give him a decent shot at life and success, whatever the latter means for you. Read more here!

These enrichment classes can ignite the senses of the kids

Sending kids to enrichment classes is the current craze in Singapore. Singaporean parents are rushing their kids from one class to another during the weekend.  They do it for many reasons like brain development and academics. Some parents are also getting their kids in such classes for socialization and fun learning with other kids. But wherever you send your kids, that should not be a baby sitter and worthy of the time and money spent.

Sending your kids to speech and drama classes is an excellent way to develop a love for arts and literature at an early age. This helps to build communication skills in later life. As they join the learning lab, they develop a love for learning. And different sports activities develop their fitness and personality. These classes also include music lessons. These help to develop cognitive abilities and help them to perform.

The article by Nasreen Majid dwells on some of the top and worthy enrichment classes in Singapore.

Top enrichment classes in Singapore that are totally worth it!

We all know that enrichment classes in Singapore are highly sought after! Many Singaporean parents spend the most part of their weekend rushing their kids from one enrichment class to another.

But just why the parents invest so much of time, money, and energy for enrichment classes in Singapore?  Read more here!

Choosing the right enrichment classes for your kids

It is very common to hear that other kids are improving very fast. You might also be showered with various concepts on child rising. All these indicate that sending your kids to school will not help all-round developments of your kids.

It is natural that, as a responsible parent, you would like to get your kids enrolled in enrichment classes for honing their latent skills. These classes work in an interactive and engaging ambiance so that the kids develop a natural love for learning different skills. While schools prepare your kids for exams, these classes focus on learning various life skills.

Plenty of enrichment classes are there across the island making it challenging to pick the right one for your kids. There are several factors like the interest of the child, the curriculum, the class environment, etc. One must consider all these before committing to something.

The article by Open Schoolbag dwells on ways to choose the right enrichment classes in Singapore for your kids.

How to Choose the Right Enrichment Class for Your Kid

Recently we start to receive many queries on how to choose the right enrichment classes for your precious one. Yes, we know there are many centres out there offering the most interesting and unique classes and learning experiences. How do you then decide what is most important to polish the hidden shine in your kid? Read more here!

Are enrichment classes a real need for the kids?

Getting the babies enrolled in some enrichment classes is what the Singaporean parents are crazy about now. As the kid reaches 18 months, mounting pressures are there to arrange for their enrichment.

These classes should be designed to create an engaging environment where the kids can have stimuli as per their interests.  It helps the kids to nurture their latent skills and develop to the next level. They must also include meaningful programs so that the kids stand a better chance to get to the next level. It is possible when the parents choose the right school and decide on the classes to keep and skip.

Some parents make such a tight schedule of weekend classes that horrifies corporate executives.  Such situations only make the children stressed and they cannot reap any benefit. As such, the parents should strike a balance so that the children are not robbed of their childhood.

This article by Edunloaded dwells on every aspect of enrichment classes in Singapore.

Do my kids need Enrichment Classes?

As your kids hit 18 months, there is a subtle pressure to send your kids for enrichment. When the kids hit 4yo, there is another surge of pressure to send your kids for even more classes especially on the weekends. From language classes, music lessons, swimming, fencing, phonics, taekwondo, art, speech and drama…the list goes on. Read more here!

What to consider for choosing enrichment classes?

Children have eager minds and they learn every day. So, if they are placed in a stimulating environment, it helps to grow their interest and they easily pass to the next stage of development.  For this reason, Singaporean parents spend a lot of time and effort to get their kids in enrichment classes. As Singaporeholds a plethora of such classes all over the island, selecting a program becomes a daunting task.

Such classes do not have the rigidity of the traditional classrooms. They are designed to help explore the full potential of the kids. Designed in a fun and interactive way, these classes can help to hone the latent skill of the kids besides learning academics, languages, and various life & social skills.

As such choosing such classes is quite challenging. One has to consider the child and their interests. There are several other vital factors as well. This article by Singapore’s Child gives in-depth insights on factors to consider for choosing enrichment classes in Singapore.

6 Things to Consider When Choosing An Enrichment Class For Your Child

Enrichment classes are meant to help realize your child’s potential. It’s a place that extends learning opportunities for them, nurtures their skills, and allows them to meet equally talented children. 

So while enrichment centers in Singapore promise the best learning experience for your child, here are other things that you need to consider before enrolling your child in one. Read more here!

How difficult is it for children to learn Chinese in Singapore

How difficult is it for children to learn Chinese in Singapore?

Chinese has a fierce reputation for being very tough to learn. The obvious reason for this is that it has more than 10 thousand characters. To speak Chinese fluently, you need to master at least 3 thousand characters.

Learning Chinese for kids as a second language may seem like an almost impossible task especially if you as a parent cannot speak it fluently. That said, you need to keep it in mind that nearly a billion people around the world are speaking the language. This clearly shows that it is possible.

What’s surprising is that learning how to speak Chinese is in some ways easier than learning how to speak English.

The following article by Kristina Klausen and Mingyu Sun explains how hard it is for kid to learn Chinese.

How Hard is it for Kids to Learn Chinese? Part One

In Mandarin, once you can count to 10, you can count to 99. The word for 11 is simply ten-one. The word for 21 is two-ten-one, and this logical pattern continues to 99. To get to 100, you’ll need a new word, bǎi.Read more here.

You surely now know that learning Chinese isn’t as difficult as you might have thought. In fact, if you can learn how to count to 10 in Chinese, you will be able to count to 99. That’s amazing, right? To ensure that your child learns the language quicker with little or no hindrance, you have to adopt the right teaching approach.

The following article by Anita Shum shed light on some effective approach you can when teaching your kid how to speak Chinese fluently.

Learning Mandarin can be child’s play-with the right approach

In today’s world, most educators would argue that we should be encouraging children to play at every opportunity. Yet many Hong Kong parents-and some schools- continue to undervalue the educational value of play, often believing in a false dichotomy that “play is play”Read more here.

You likely now know some effective approach you should take when teaching your kid how to speak Chinese. See, you don’t have to be super serious or strict when teaching your kid how to speak the language, as it might slow down the rate at which they learn or even worse, and make them lose interest in learning the language.

The following article by Constance Seow shed light on some ways to help keep your kids interested in learning Chinese.

7 Ways to Help your Child Learn Mandarin

Helping children from an English-speaking household to learn Mandarin can be an uphill struggle for many parents. At the Mother Tongue Languages Symposium 2013 held in September, parenting and teaching experts shared howRead more here.

You probably now know some 7 things you can do to help your child learn how to speak Chinese. Over the years, these easy things have helped a lot of kids become fluent in speaking Chinese. However, all of them may not work well for your child or yield the results you desire. So, you have to try each and every one of them to narrow down the one that works best.

Final note

No doubt, Chinese is a tough language, but it is possible to learn it and even teach your kids how to speak it. With the right approach and teaching methods, you will be able to help your kid fall in love with the language and become fluent in it.

Don’t despair if your teaching style or your approach to teaching the language isn’t yielding any results, as you can turn things around by remaining positive.

If you can, try out other teaching styles, use digital resources and keep things fun and interesting. Don’t forget to encourage your kids and commend their efforts.

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How Chinese speech and drama classes help children


 Speech and Drama is an extremely powerful tool and this a very good way for children to learn effective communication at a very early age. It is a great confidence builder and booster and lends a creative imagination, empathy, and maturity among children and enhances their interpersonal skills. Some of the fears that plague adults are fear of public speaking, anxiety and being at the centre of attention. What if you address these problems when the children are at a very impressionable age rather than at an advanced age? A Speech and Drama lessons help children to freely express themselves and be themselves in a safe environment where they do not feel judged and are free to express the way they want to.

Some of the advantages are;

A great boost of confidence

Thinking out of the box

New strategies and engage actively with their peers

Children learn to work in groups

They collaborate, thrive and overcome fear and dont fear being in the public eye

How does Chinese Speech and Drama Classes Benefit your Kids

Chinese speech and drama Classes can do wonders for your child. It can drastically improves your childs capacity to speak the language. Moreover it allows them to explore their identity through the language. Chinese speech and drama classes can be very enriching for your child as the kid will learn to emote and test their experiences in a language which is not native to them and this will highly benefit their ability to think and express. It takes a high level of confidence and strength of character to perform on stage in a language which is non native and might seem so difficult for a child as well adult.

It is a great way to learn Chinese

Chinese speech and drama classes can be a great way to learn the language and can be looked upon as a very viable option to encourage children to learn Chinese.In these classes children would learn the very basics of having a conversation in Chinese and perform an entire skit in front of a small audience. Learning Chinese helps in brain and cognitive development and also helps children get a good grasp on mathematics. What better way to encourage a child to learn a language than drama classes. This might seem as a very innovative and enriching option rather than sitting in the confines of a closed classroom set up. There are many ways to teach language to a child but as soon as dramatics is involved a child is naturally drawn towards it and wants to learn and get involved further, without much pushing from the parent. Chinese speech and drama classes also helps in group study and understanding, which might seem very beneficial and attractive to a child as it encourages social interaction of the same age group.

These classes not only teach speech and drama but it also teaches the basics of Chinese which is very important to perform in front of a larger audience. Thus it is a wrong notion that Chinese is not taught in the speech and drama classes. If you see your child struggling to learn Chinese in a classroom set up, this is the place to go to and help your child explore herself and emote in a language which she is trying to learn and grasp.

These are some of the great benefits of sending your child to a Chinese speech and drama class.

Things to Look For When Choosing a Chinese Teacher

Finding a good Chinese teacher can seem pretty easy as there are many Chinese speaking people around the world, but finding a good Chinese teacher can be pretty difficult. There can be quite a few reasons for this, teaching Chinese was not considered as a professional skill until 1981. It was only in 1981 that the Beijing Language and Culture University started to enroll college students who majored in teaching Chinese as a second language, known as Duiwai Hanyu across the world. The first thing to check for in a Chinese teacher is her academic background of Duiwai Hanyu.

Below are some tips which you can keep in mind while looking for a good Chinese teacher.

Somebody who really knows the language and teaching

It can be argued that everybody who has grown up in mainland China or Taiwan and trained at a Chinese speech and drama class will speak Mandarin, but not everyone who knows Chinese would have detailed knowledge of how the language works. Most importantly not everyone can teach and impart the knowledge to people who would like to learn. A good teacher needs to be more than a native speaker to teach it to people, it is a skill which not many can master. A good Chinese teacher should be experienced in working with Chinese learners. The teacher should be able to understand the difficulties faced by a student. Moreover the teacher should be able to make cross-references and give you plenty of examples to learn and understand.

Someone who knows the why and can explain things clearly

According to reports there many native speakers in China who have got teaching jobs but they sometimes struggle to answer questions from learners. These questions can be pretty technical in nature and would require skill, training and experience to explain to a student. It is important for you to find a teacher who would explain exactly how it works with the language. If you always hear your teacher say that s the way it is, that s how Chinese works or I don t know either, then its time you look for a qualified and experienced teacher who can explain things to you more clearly. Your teacher should also be well be well versed in English to explain to you the nitty gritties of the language.

Somebody who can make Chinese lessons interesting

Like all other languages, Chinese is a fascinating language. It is also considered a difficult language and a learner can get de-motivated and frustrated if he does not make good progress. It is very important for a good Chinese teacher to make lessons engaging, make the lessons engaging and bring the language to life. If the teaching methodology is boring and melancholy learning the language can be very boring. Hence the teacher needs to make the lessons interesting and full of life.

A good Chinese teacher needs to have a lot of patience

Since learning Chinese can be pretty daunting, all Chinese learners make a lot of mistakes. It s just part of the process and students tend to make hundreds of mistakes with the tones until you remember them clearly. A teacher needs to be very patient in dealing with so many mistakes and correct you every time you are wrong.

Someone who gets along well with you

It is very important to get on well with the teacher, as it makes things much easier and simple. Sometimes a teacher might be patient, hardworking, et all but if you don t get along well with the teacher everything might seem to go hay wire.

These are some of the things to keep in mind while looking for a good Chinese teacher.